Lasagna is a symbol of Italian culinary tradition: as rich in taste as it is in substance, it can easily be considered a unique dish. There are many versions: Bolognese lasagna, Sicilian lasagna, pistachio lasagna, fish lasagna, lasagna with vegetables…you’ll be spoilt for choice! With the passing of time, many recipes for gluten-free lasagna have also become popular; let’s discover some of them.

Bolognese rice gluten-free lasagna 

The Bolognese kind is undoubtedly one of the most famous versions of lasagna. The preparation of this dish is a bit long, but simple nonetheless. First, you have to make a good meat sauce “on a low flame”, as tradition dictates, for at least a couple of hours. It would be preferable to use a type of ground meat made of 50% pork and 50% beef. Obviously, the consistency of the meat sauce can vary according to personal preferences, but it must still be nice and full-bodied. Once the béchamel sauce has been prepared, so that it has a homogeneous texture and is quite creamy, you can proceed with the meat sauce and the rice lasagna.

Vegan gluten-free lasagna

Describing a dish as “vegan” or “gluten-free” often attracts prejudice because it is mistakenly thought to be tasteless. Even worse if the dish is both vegan and gluten-free! In spite of this, Le Celizie offers an excellent version of gluten-free vegan lasagna; all you have to do is find rice lasagna, pumpkin, lentils, rice flour, soy milk and various spices. Prepare some chopped carrots, zucchini and celery and sauté it. Pour the lentils, adding a tablespoon of tomato, and cook them until they have taken on the consistency of a meat sauce. In the meantime, cut the pumpkin into medium-thin slices (one centimetre thick will be fine), pour plenty of olive oil and rosemary atop; it is now ready to be put in the oven. Once the pumpkin is cooking (be careful not to let it flake!), you can prepare the béchamel sauce, using soy milk, rice flour and nutmeg. The process is precisely the same as for traditional béchamel: be careful not to create lumps! After that, you just have to put lentil, lasagna, béchamel sauce and pumpkin in the oven at 180° for thirty minutes.